Analysis Of Drinking Water Depot Sanitation Hygiene In The Working Area Of The Siak Hulu Public Health Community, Kampar District, In 2023

Drinking water depots are a source of drinking water that is widely used by the public, which poses a health concern if hygiene and sanitation standards are not met. Based on the background of the problem and the results of the initial survey, it was discovered that there were still aspects that were not in accordance with health standards, such as: workers never checked their health, did not wash their hands before filling gallons of water, workers smoked, and depots were close to domestic sewerage. The goal of this study was to examine the sanitary cleanliness of drinking water depots in the operating region of Puskesmas Siak Hulu I Kampar Regency in 2023. This kind of qualitative study employs the phenomenological approach to gather data through observation and in-depth interviews with eleven informants regarding the application of triangulation techniques in data processing. The study's findings indicate that: the location's sanitary hygiene conditions do not meet regulations; the depot's equipment is excellent, but sanitation facilities are still subpar; a hand washing station is not available; and handlers' personal hygiene does not comply with regulations. The majority of owners and servers don't wear designated work uniforms; servers smoke; they don't practice good hygiene; they don't perform routine health examinations; they don't have a sanitation hygiene course certificate; some depots don't have a production permit or don't renew it; and four depots' production water doesn't meet regulations. All depots are expected to receive stringent advice and oversight from the health center, and depot owners need to focus more on maintaining the hygienic conditions of their drinking water depots.
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