Analysis of Factors Affecting the Low Exclusive Breastfeeding of Infants in Langgini Village, Bangkinang City Healrh Center Working Area in 2023

Bangkinang City Health Center is one of the Health Center with the lowest exclusive breastfeeding coverage in Kampar Regency at 44.4% and in Langgini sub-district, the working area of Bangkinang City Health Center has exclusive breastfeeding coverage of only 26.6%. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect the low exclusive breastfeeding of infants in Langgini sub-distric, Bangkinang City Health Center Working Area in 2023. The type of research used is quantitative with a cross sectional design. The population in this study was all mothers who had babies aged 7-11 months with a total of 150 babies with a sample of 60 people taken by simple random sampling technique. Data analysis in this study used univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The results of this study show that there is an influence of age, nutritional status, occupation, parity, knowledge, attitude, family support, education of health workers, promotion of formula milk with low exclusive breastfeeding in Langgini Village working area of Bangkinang CityHealth Center. Conclusion variables parity and promotion of formula milk are the dominant factors that most influence exclusive breastfeeding. It is expected that all puskesmas or health facilities at the sub-district and kelurahan/village levels have breastfeeding counselors as information providers about breastfeeding for the success of breastfeeding babies exclusively.
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