The Determinants of Community Activeness Behavior in Participating the Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Service Post (Posbindu PTM) at Pantai Raja Health Center

The increase of mortality due to non-communicable diseases poses a serious threat to public health. Around 41 millions people passed away because of non-communicable deseases such as heart attack, cancer, Chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. The aim of this study is to determine the determinants of community activeness behavior in participating in Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Service Posts (Posbindu PTM). This quantitative analytical research utilized a cross-sectional design, conducted from January to March 2023 with 194 respondents, carried out in the Pantai Raja District of Kampar Regency. The analysis employed univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses. The research findings indicate that the proportion of community activeness in participating in Posbindu PTM is 91 individuals (46.9%), with correlated variables being age with a 4 times likelihood, education with a 3 times likelihood, support from cadres with a 2 times likelihood, attitude with a 2 times likelihood, and occupation with a 2 times likelihood towards activeness in participating in Posbindu PTM. It is hoped that the health center will innovate NCD programs such as developing a NCD screening application accessible via computers or smartphones to facilitate self-screening. Furthermore, organizing communication training for cadres is essential. Cadres are expected to continuously provide education to increase community interest in attending Posbindu PTM.
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