Analysis of Near Miss Hazards on Aircraft Lift Transport Riau Toll Road Construction Project

Eachyear, non-fatal work accidents occur nearly 1,000 times more than fatal accidents. An estimated 374 million workers experience non-fatal accidents each year. 2.4 million (86.3%) deaths are caused byoccupational diseases, and more than 380,000 (13.7%) are caused by industrial accidents. PT Petronesia Benimel utilizes lift-transport aircraft in carrying out activities. From the use of this tool, potential hazards arise that can threaten the safety of workers. This study aims to determine the potential near miss hazards that can occur in the process of operating the lift-transport aircraft. This type of research is qualitative through secondary data and observation. The research informants consist of 4 main informants, namely the executor (foreman), operator, HSE supervisor, technician, helper (dumpman). Supporting informants are field managers. The research was conducted in the construction project area of the Riau toll road construction which is a project of PT Petronesia Benimel on November 27-December 14, 2023. The results of this study are the causal factors of the near miss incident on the lift-transport aircraft, namely from the material factor that pays attention to the load of heavy equipment which aims to make workers careful, the method factor that pays attention to the position of the blind spot to make it easier for the helper (dumpman) to assist the operator in backing up heavy equipment, the human factor ensures that the operator has an SIO (Operator's License), remembers the warnings given by the company and conducts health tests for workers, and environmental factors by paying attention to the safety sign layout and the correct use of PPE.
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