Determinan Pajanan Pestisida Terhadap Kadar Haemoglobin Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) di Kecamatan Dempo Selatan Pagar Alam


  • Imelda Purba Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Rafika Oktiva Ningrum Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Muhammad Amin Arigo Saci Universitas Sriwijaya



Women of childbearing age are a group that plays an important role in the agricultural sector not only in Indonesia but also in other agricultural countries around the world. The types of agricultural activities undertaken by WUS are sometimes the same as those of men, even those that allow contact with pesticides. Women of childbearing age in Pagaralam are at risk of experiencing health effects such as anemia, due to their exposure to Organophosphates. It is necessary to conduct research aimed at analyzing the determinants of pesticide exposure to the haemoglobin level in WUS as a basis for recommendations for efforts to prevent and overcome the effects of pesticide exposure. The design of this study was observational with a cross sectional study approach. The study population was women of childbearing age who were exposed to pesticides in the South Dempo District of Pagaralam, with a sample size of 120 WUS. Sampling using cluster sampling technique. Data collection was carried out through interviews using a questionnaire, observation using a checklist, measurement of body weight using a weight scale, height using a microtoise, and Hb levels using the Easy Touch GCHB tool. Data analysis of the results of the study was carried out univariately, and bivariate using the Chi- Square.The results of    bivariate analysis of variables show that were significant with the haemoglobin level in women of childbearing age in South Dempo District were tenure, long time laundry spraying  and length of time preparing pesticide. While variables that are not associated with haemoglobin levels are  length of spraying, length of time mixed,  frequency of spraying, and use of PPE. It is recommended that women of childbearing age reduce the length of time washing clothes spraying and the length of time preparing pesticides through good time management.  

Keywords : Haemoglobin level, pesticide exposure, woman of childbearing age


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Cara Mengutip

Purba I, Ningrum RO, Saci MAA. Determinan Pajanan Pestisida Terhadap Kadar Haemoglobin Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) di Kecamatan Dempo Selatan Pagar Alam. J Keskom [Internet]. 30 September 2024 [dikutip 20 Oktober 2024];10(3):449-56. Tersedia pada: