The Effect of Exchanging Salt with Hypertension and Proteinuria in Jaten II Health CenterKaranganyar
:Salt, proteinuria, hypertension, puskesmasAbstract
Salt consumption is very necessary for humans to survive because the human body relies on sodium for muscle contraction, nerve transmission, and control systems to balance body fluids, along with other electrolytes such as potassium. Eating too much salt can be bad for health such as hypertension and proteinuria. Hypertension is a disorder of the circulatory
system, which prey much disturbs public health. One of the complications of hypertension is kidney failure, proteinuriais one of its clinical manifestations. The general objective of this study is to determine the relationship of excessive salt consumption associated with the incidence of hypertension that connues to proteinuria in the Karanganyar Jaten II Health Center, while the specific objective is to find out the general description of the respondent's characteriscs and to find out the specific data of the respondent's characteriscs. This was a quantative observational study with a descriptive research design. The population in this study were all hypertensive patients in the Karanganyar Jaten II Health Center, amounting to 34 people. The sample in this study were all members of the populaon. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. This study concludes that consuming salt will result in an imbalanced balance of sodium and potassium, making it difficult
for the kidneys to work well with the appearance of proteinuria. Then, occurs the fluid retenon that followed by blood pressure increased.
Keywords : Salt, proteinuria, hypertension, puskesmas.
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