Factors Associated with Cervical Cancer Incidence Arifin Achmad Hospital in Pekanbaru Year 2008-2010
Cervical cancer is a primary malignant tumor derived from epithelial cells of cervical squamous or cervix. The most common cause of cervical cancer is infection with HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), several factors are thought to increase the incidence of cervical cancer is sosiodemografis factors which include age, socioeconomic status, and sexual activity of factors that include age at first intercourse, partner change sex -replace, parity, lack of genital hygiene, smoking, history of venereal disease, chronic trauma to the cervix, as well as the use of hormonal contraceptives. The purpose of this study are known risk factors associated with cervical cancer incidence in Arifin Achmad Riau Province Year 2008-2010. This type of study is a case-control (case control study). The case of women with cervical cancer who were treated at the Arifin Achmad Riau Province, and control of cervical cancer Women are not treated at the Arifin Achmad Riau Province. The results of this study showed women with heavy work more at risk for developing cervical cancer 9 times compared with women who have jobs lightweight (OR 9,184), low-educated women four times more likely to suffer from cervical cancer compared with women who are highly educated (OR 3,698), female age at first intercourse less than 20 years 3 times higher risk of cervical cancer compared to women with age at first sexual intercourse (OR 2,792)and women above 20 years who had parity> 3 children dibandingakn 7 times greater risk to women with a parity <3 children (OR 3,396). As Conclusions, occupation, education, age of first sexual intercourse and parity have based on the results of multivariate analysis of independent variables that have a causal relationship with the incidence of cervical cancer is work, education, age at first sexual intercourse and parity. Independent variables that have no causal relationship with the incidence of cervical cancer is are sexual partners. And independent of confounding variables by are kejadaian incidence of cervical cancer is the use of hormonal contraception, sexually transmitted diseases and age. Advice intended for Riau provincial health office of Riau Province, Arifin Achmad Riau provinceGeneral Hospital, society community and further research.
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