Pengaruh Fundamental Safe Work Practice Terhadap Pencegahan Kecelakaan Kerja Bagian Workover di PT. ACS Duri


  • M. Saifullah STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru
  • Nopriadi . Universitas Andalas



PT. Asrindo Citraseni Satria (ACS) is a company engaged in oil and gas and is a sub contractor PT.CPI. PT. ACS has implemented FSWP whose objective which is to identify, assess, reduce, control or eliminate the risks associated with the work, but until now there is still a work accident that occurred even in small quantities. The author would like to know about the effect of application of the section Fundamental Safe Work Practice (FSWP) can prevent the accident in workover PT. ACS Duri. This research uses quantitative analytical survey, with the design of Cross Sectional conducted from May to June 2012 with a large sample of 122 of the 360 people who work in the workover. Samples were taken by using a system Accidental Sampling, and the data processed using a computer program to analyze the independent variables in the form of application as well as the dependent variable is FSWP occupational accidents and tested using Chi-square. The results showed that, the application of FSWP can prevent accidents which includes Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) with the value of P = 0.01 is smaller than the value of α = 0.05 that means there are a significant correlation between the application of SOP with workplace accidents, PTW with a value of P = 0.02 is more smaller than the value of α = 0.05 means that there are significant correlation between the application of Permit To Work (PTW) accidents, and tagged with a value of P = 0.01 is smaller than the value of α= 0.05 means there is a significant correlation between the application of Log Out/Tag Out (LOTO) by accident. It was concluded that, the application of FSWP can reduce / reduce the number of occupational accidents in the workover, and is expected for the management of HES to improving the knowledge for employee about the aspects of FSWP (SWA, Hazard Analysis, SOP, Access Control, PPE, MSDS, Housekeeping, PTW & Other Safe Work Practices).


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Cara Mengutip

Saifullah M, . N. Pengaruh Fundamental Safe Work Practice Terhadap Pencegahan Kecelakaan Kerja Bagian Workover di PT. ACS Duri. J Keskom [Internet]. 16 Mei 2012 [dikutip 1 April 2025];1(4):199-204. Tersedia pada: