The Effect of Lactation Acupressure Massage (Acuprelactation) on Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Women in Tegal Regency


  • Nora Rahmanindar Politeknik Harapan Bersama
  • Juhrotun Nisa Politeknmik Harapan Bersama



Acupressure, postpartum mothers, lactation


In Tegal Regency in 2022, the coverage of babies aged under 6 months who receive exclusive breastfeeding is 67.96%. Tegal Regency Government is currently continuing to strive for 2026 coverage of babies aged under 6 months who receive exclusive breast milk of 85%. This research aims to determine the effect of lactation acupressure massage on breast milk production in postpartum mothers. Quantitative research uses a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design. The population in this study was postpartum mothers in the Tegal Regency, namely 100 postpartum mothers. The sampling period was from November until December 2023; the samples used were all postpartum mothers on days 1-3. The sampling technique used a cluster sampling technique; 50 postpartum mothers were in the treatment group, and 50 postpartum mothers were in the control group. The results of statistical tests using Wilcoxon obtained a P-value of 0.000 at a significance level of 5% (0.000<0.005), in this case indicating that the research hypothesis was accepted, meaning that there was an effect of lactation acupressure massage on breast milk production in postpartum mothers.


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How to Cite

Rahmanindar N, Nisa J. The Effect of Lactation Acupressure Massage (Acuprelactation) on Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Women in Tegal Regency. J Keskom [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 20];10(3):468-77. Available from:

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