Determinan Masturbasi pada Remaja di SMA Negeri 3 Tapung Kabupaten Kampartahun 2017


  • Sherly Vermita Warlenda stikes hangtuah pekanbaru
  • Arief Wahyudi STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru
  • Zahra Sumayah Siregar STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru


Kata Kunci:

Media massa, pengetahuan remaja, peran orang tua, dan pengaruh teman sebaya


Masturbation is the activity of stimulate with touch or sex organs own up and down my leg . It is influenced by a factor of the development of the reproductive organs of growth that occurs in adolescents. Due to change sexual maturity is biologically experienced by teenager is one of the things that can cause teenagers experienced confusion in the face of sexual impulse is by masturbates. This study aims to analyze determinan of masturbation in adolescents public SMA Negeri 3 Tapung Kampar district in 2017. Method this study used a cross sectional. The sample collection in this research be conducted by way of technique stratified random sampling namely high school students which is going to be based on the number of sample were randomly selected a total of desired many as 87 students . Analysis done in univariat and bivariat by test statistic chi-square aimed at independent and to connect between variable. The research results show that 75,9 % of respondents exposed to mass media, 78.2 % of respondents knowledge low, 60,9 % of respondents have people parents are not had a role, 77 % of respondents have leverage their peers an influential.From the test chi-square shows that there are meaningful relations between the media mass (pvalue = 0,001 and or = 6,591 2,126-20,429), knowledge (pvalue = 0,018 and or = or = 4,200 1,405-12,558 ), the role of parents (pvalue = 0,001 and or = 8,533 2,726-26,708 ), and influence their peers (pvalue = 0,005 and or = 5,091 1,713-15,128). The conclusion the results of research 4 variables studied (mass media, knowledge, parent role and peer influence) 4 variable have significant relationship with masturbation and suggestions to make parents more able to establish more intensive communicate with adolescents


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Cara Mengutip

Warlenda SV, Wahyudi A, Siregar ZS. Determinan Masturbasi pada Remaja di SMA Negeri 3 Tapung Kabupaten Kampartahun 2017. J Keskom [Internet]. 30 Desember 2018 [dikutip 29 Maret 2025];4(2):46-51. Tersedia pada:

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