Promosi Kesehatan Tentang Upaya Pencegahan dan Vaksinasi COVID-19 di Puskesmas Siak Hulu I Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2021
Health Promotion Regarding COVID-19 Prevention and Vaccination Efforts at the Siak Hulu I Public Health Center, Kampar Regency in 2021
promosi kesehatan, pencegahan, vaksinasi covid-19, Health promotion, Prevention, COVID-19 Vaccination.Abstract
Pandemik Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) merusak segala sendi kehidupan baik politik, kesehatan, sosial, ekonomi dan budaya. Pemerintah telah melakukan sosialisasi dan antisipasi meningkatkan kesadaran, pemahaman dan persepsi masyarakat dalam pencegahan dan vaksinasi COVID-19. Protokol kesehatan dan vaksinasi merupakan permasalahan utama yang selalu muncul ke permukaan. Belum efektifnya Protokol kesehatan di masyarakat serta masih adanya penolakan vaksinasi di masyarakat mengakibatkan masih munculnya kasus COVID-19. Tantangan ini memunculkan inovasi dan kreasi bagi tenaga kesehatan dalam mengencarkan promosi kesehatan yang efektif. Hal ini dapat diimplementasikan dengan adanya promosi kesehatan berbasis efikasi diri masyarakat dalam pencegahan COVID-19 dan strategi vaksinasi. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang upaya pencegahan serta vaksinasi COVID-19. Dari pengabdian masyarakat ini didapatkan meningkatnya efikasi diri atau keyakinan diri masyarakat tentang upaya pencegahan COVID-19 serta vaksinasi COVID-19 serta meningkatnya kemampuan masyarakat tentang upaya pencegahan dan vaksinasi. Disarankan agar meningkatkan promosi kesehatan masyarakat terhadap upaya pencegahan dan vaksinasi COVID-19.
The Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has damaged all aspects of life, including politics, health, social, economy and culture. The government has carried out socialization and anticipation to increase public awareness, understanding and perception in the prevention and vaccination of COVID-19. Health protocols and vaccinations are the main problems that always arise. The ineffectiveness of the health protocol in the community and the refusal of vaccination in the community have resulted in the emergence of COVID-19 cases. This challenge raises innovation and creation for health workers in carrying out effective health promotion. This can be implemented through community self-efficacy-based health promotion in the prevention of COVID19 and vaccination strategies. This community service aims to increase public awareness about COVID-19 prevention and vaccination efforts. Community service can increase self-efficacy or community self-confidence regarding efforts to prevent COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccinations can increase community capacity regarding prevention and vaccination efforts. It is recommended to increase the Health Promotion of COVID-19 prevention and vaccination efforts .
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