Factors Causing the High Positive Cases of COVID-19 in Nurses in the Pinere Room at the Madani Regional Hospital, Pekanbaru City


  • Suryani Arif Stikes Hangtuah Pekanbaru
  • Santoso Santoso Universitas Hang Tuah Pekanbaru
  • M Kamali Zaman Universitas Hang Tuah Pekanbaru




Positive Case, COVID-19, Nurse, RSD Madani


Background: Pekanbaru Madani Hospital is one of the patient referral hospitals that serve the treatment of patients who are confirmed positive for COVID-19. The increasing number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 patients who have been served by the hospital will have a major impact on the work guidelines and workload of health workers. The number of patients who have been served due to COVID-19 cases was 352 people in 2020 while health workers working at the Madani Regional Hospital confirmed COVID-19 until September 2021. Objective: To find out the factors causing the high number of positive COVID-19 cases in Pinere Room nurses. at the Madani Regional Hospital, Pekanbaru City  Method: quantitative with an analytical survey research type design cross-sectional with collection technique with purposive sampling. The study was conducted in August – September 2021 at the Madani Hospital, the research sample was a total sampling technique of 91 nurses. Collecting data through Google form with univariate analysis, bivariate using chi-square, and multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression. Research Results: The proportion of nurses who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 was 15 people (16.5%) with bivariate analysis there was a relationship between the use of PPE, application of health protocols, work stress, and work shifts with positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in nurses. While the results of the multivariate analysis showed that there was a causal relationship between the use of PPE (p-value = 0.009;) and work stress (p-value 0.028) variables that did not have a causal relationship between health protocols (p-value = 0.85) and work shifts (p-value = 0.121). Conclusion: The dominant variable influencing positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Madani Hospital is the use of Personal Protective Equipment. Suggestion: Improve the supervisory function of nurses who use PPE when working each shift.


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How to Cite

Arif S, Santoso S, Zaman MK. Factors Causing the High Positive Cases of COVID-19 in Nurses in the Pinere Room at the Madani Regional Hospital, Pekanbaru City. J Keskom [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 7 [cited 2025 Apr. 1];9(2):363-7. Available from: https://jurnal.htp.ac.id/index.php/keskom/article/view/1004

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