Effects Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Eating Habits And Exercise Habits Of The Selected High School Adolescents In West Lampung Regency


  • Rizti Millva Putri Universitas Indonesia
  • Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika Universitas Indonesia




COVID-19, Kebiasaan Konsumsi, Olahraga, Remaja



Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) merupakan pandemi global yang telah menginfeksi berbagai negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Pembatasan pada kegiatan di luar rumah termasuk penutupan sekolah dalam menekan penularan COVID-19 berdampak pada perubahan aktifitas fisik dan perilaku makan dalam arah yang membahayakan kesehatan dan menimbulkan masalah gizi, serta meningkatkan risiko NCD yang dapat memperparah penyakit COVID-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kebiasaan olahraga dan kebiasaan konsumsi sebelum dan saat pandemi COVID-19 pada siswa SMAN terpilih di Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Desain studi penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional dengan menggunakan data primer yang didapatkan melalui pengisian kuesioner dan FFQ. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan juli 2020. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 295 siswa yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling pada SMA Negeri terpilih di Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Data penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 2.0 menggunakan analisis bivariat uji Mc Nemar.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan variabel frekuensi olahraga (p-value 0,000), durasi olahraga (p-value 0,000), kebiasaan konsumsi sayur (p-value 0,021) dan buah (p-value 0,000) sebelum dan saat pandemi COVID-19. Tidak terdapat perbedaan variabel kebiasaan konsumsi jajanan (p-value 0,280), fast food (p-value 0,207), gorengan (p-value 0,180) dan soft drink (p-value 0,103).  Dapat disimpulkan bahwa, masa pandemi COVID-19 berdampak pada perubahan kebiasaan olahraga baik pada frekuensi dan durasi olahraga serta kebiasaan konsumsi sayur dan buah siswa SMAN terpilih di Kabupaten Lampung Barat.


Kata Kunci : COVID-19, Kebiasaan Konsumsi, Olahraga, Remaja




            Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is a global pandemic that has infected various countries in the world, including Indonesia. Restrictions on activities outside the home including school closures in suppressing the transmission of COVID-19 have an impact on changes in physical activity and eating behavior in a direction that endangers health and causes nutritional problems, as well as increases the risk of NCDs that can exacerbate COVID-19 disease. This study aims to determine differences in exercise habits and consumption habits before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in selected high school students in West Lampung Regency. The study design of this study was cross-sectional using primary data obtained through filling out questionnaires and FFQ. The study was conducted in July 2020. The research sample consisted of 295 students who were selected using the purposive sampling method at selected public high schools in West Lampung Regency. The research data were analyzed using SPSS 2.0 using Mc Nemar test bivariate analysis. The results showed that there were differences in the frequency of exercise (p-value 0.000), exercise duration (p-value 0.000), vegetable consumption habits (p-value 0.021) and fruit (p-value 0.000) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no difference in the variables of snack consumption habits (p-value 0.280), fast food (p-value 0.207), fried food (p-value 0.180) and soft drinks (p-value 0.103). It can be concluded that, the COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on changes in exercise habits both in the frequency and duration of exercise as well as vegetable and fruit consumption habits of students selected high school in West Lampung Regency.

Keywords: COVID-19, Eating Habits, Sports, Adolescents


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How to Cite

Putri RM, Sartika RAD. Effects Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Eating Habits And Exercise Habits Of The Selected High School Adolescents In West Lampung Regency. J Keskom [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];7(2):164-9. Available from: https://jurnal.htp.ac.id/index.php/keskom/article/view/942

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