Health Education Through Counseling on Dysmenorrhea to the Knowledge of Female Students at the Al Ihsan Boarding School, Kampar Regency
Edukasi Kesehatan Melalui Penyuluhan Tentang Dismenore terhadap Pengetahuan Santri Putri di Pesantren Al Ihsan Boarding School Kabupaten Kampar
Dismenore, Pengetahuan, Santri putri, Dysmenorrhea, knowledge, female studentsAbstract
One of the menstrual disorders is menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea. In Indonesia, dysmenorrhea sufferers reach 60-70% with a prevalence of 64.5% in adolescence. One of the impacts caused by dysmenorrhea is reduced concentration in learning because of dysmenorrhea felt during the teaching and learning process. Providing health education about dysmenorrhea. Types of health education activities through health promotion used banner media. Participants were 73 female students in grade 1 with an age range of 11-12 years. Accompanied by 3 homeroom teachers. The instrument used was a pre- and post-test questionnaire about what dysmenorrhea, causes, signs and symptoms and the effects caused by dysmenorrhea. The activity took place at the Al Ihsan Boarding School female student mosque for 2 hours. The average pre-test score was 82.6% and the post-test was 94.7%. During the counseling activity, participants were enthusiastic and excited as seen from the participation and activeness of the students in the question and answer session. There was an increase in student knowledge of 12.1% after being given health education in the form of counseling about dysmenorrhea. Periodic evaluation of the health of female students is needed by opening counseling services at POSKESTREN as a form of monitoring their development during education
Salah satu gangguan pada menstruasi adalah nyeri haid atau dismenore. Di Indonesia penderita dismenore mencapai 60-70% dengan prevalensi sebesar 64,5% pada usia remaja. Salah satu dampak yang ditimbulkan akibat dismenore ini adalah mengurangi berkonsentrasi belajar karena dismenore yang dirasakan pada saat proses belajar mengajar. Pemberian edukasi kesehatan tentang dismenore. Jenis kegiatan edukasi kesehatan melalui penyuluhan dengan menggunakan media banner. Peserta adalah santri putri kelas 1 yang berjumlah 73 orang dengan rentang usia 11-12 tahun. Didampingi oleh wali kelas santri berjumlah 3 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuisioner pre dan post test tentang apa itu dismenore, penyebab, tanda dan gejala serta akibat yang ditimbulkan karena dismenore ini. Kegiatan berlangsung di Mesjid santri putri Al Ihsan Boarding School selama 2 jam. Nilai rerata pre test adalah 82,6% dan post test 94,7%. Selama kegiatan penyuluhan, peserta antusias dan bersemangat terlihat dari partisipasi dan keaktifan santri dalam tanya jawab. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan siswa sebesar 12,1% setelah diberikan edukasi kesehatan berupa penyuluhan tentang dismenore. Perlu evaluasi berkala terhadap kesehatan santri putri dengan membuka layanan konseling di POSKESTREN sebagai bentuk monitoring perkembangan mereka selama pendidikan.
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