The Relationship of Education and Work with Early Marriage During the Covid-19 Pandemic at KUA Rao Pasaman Timur, West Sumatra


  • Fanny Mega Sari Universitas Indonesia
  • Syafiq Ahmad Universitas Indonesia



Early marriage, Pandemic covid-19, Youth


According to UNICEF in the next decade, there will be 10 million girls who will potentially become brides at a very young age, this number will increase by 10% for the next 10 years, in the 3 highest countries namely India, Nigeria, and Africa and including Indonesia. West Sumatra also experienced a spike and for example, Pasaman was ranked first for the incidence of early marriage, totaling 159 couples. This study employed a descriptive quantitative method with a Secondary Data Analysis (ADS) approach. The population was 760 women taken by purposive sampling and simple sampling techniques with a total of 263 women. The instrument used was the master table test, with statistical tests using the chi-square formula based on the results of the relationship between education and employment levels. It can be concluded that the following two variables have a significant relationship with the number of early marriages. The majority of women who are married in KUA Rao Pasaman have and higher education and a job, and there is a significant relationship between the degree of education and the age at the time of marriage, which is categorized as significant.


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How to Cite

Sari FM, Ahmad S. The Relationship of Education and Work with Early Marriage During the Covid-19 Pandemic at KUA Rao Pasaman Timur, West Sumatra. J Keskom [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Apr. 1];7(3):323-7. Available from:

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