Vitamin B12 Intake to Megaloblastic Anemia on Vegetarian in Vihara Meitriya Khirti Palembang

Vitamin B12 Intake to Megaloblastic Anemia on Vegetarian in Vihara Meitriya Khirti Palembang


  • Muhammad Ridho Nugroho Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia
  • Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia



Vitamin B12 Intake, megaloblastic anemia, vegetarian


Nowadays more and more people are consciously diverting their eating habits from main foods consisting of meat into meatless foods consisting of various types of vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and fruits that do not contain vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is not absorbed in the colon, so strict vegetarianism always results in vitamin B12 deficiency which lasts very slowly in years. This study aims to determine the relationship of vitamin B12 intake to Megaloblastic Anemia in vegetarians at Meitriya Khirti Palembang Temple using a cross sectional design. From the results of research conducted using correlation tests obtained results that there is a relationship between intake of vitamin B12 with a mean value = 0.982 against the mean value of Corpuscular Volume (MCV) in vegetarian blood with a value of  p = 0.037



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Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia

Today more people are consciously diverting their eating habits from the main foods consisting of meat to meatless food. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and grain products do not contain vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is not absorbed in the colon, so strict vegetarians always have vitamin B12 deficiency that lasts very slowly over many years. The purpose of this study was to determined the relationship of vitamin B12 intake in vegetarian food to Megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency in vegetarians at the Meitriya Khirti Monastery in Palembang using a cross sectional design. The samples studied were vegetarians with the criteria of lacto ovo and lacto vegetarian types, underwent vegetation more than 3 years and did not take vitamin B12 supplements, samples were taken with the accidental sampling of 10 people. The average intake of vitamin B12 obtained by the food recall method for 3 days using nutrisurvey program, the value of Mean Corpuscular Volume was obtained by laboratory testing of blood samples. From the correlation test results obtained P value of 0.037 which means that there was an influence between the intake of Vitamin B12 in vegetarian food on the value of Mean Corpuscular Volume. Vegetarians are advised to improve the quality and quantity of food by varying the types and portions of food, especially eggs and milk which can still be consumed because of the source of vitamin B12 in vegetarian foods lacto ovo and lacto vegetarian only from eggs and milk and regularly consume vitamin B12 supplements.


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How to Cite

Nugroho MR, Sartika RAD. Vitamin B12 Intake to Megaloblastic Anemia on Vegetarian in Vihara Meitriya Khirti Palembang: Vitamin B12 Intake to Megaloblastic Anemia on Vegetarian in Vihara Meitriya Khirti Palembang. J Keskom [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];4(2):40-5. Available from:

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